cydcor pyramid scheme

I found out why a mistake occurred and decided what I would do differently so the mistake did not happen again. She is not allowed to spill the beans to the applicant and thus is taught to say that they will cover that in the interview. There was never an admin job. And especially so when its held up for mockery by people clearly too privileged to recognize all the ways events can conspire to keep that little piece of paper out of reach. At least in my industry, your schools and degrees are often included as background information in client proposals, so keeping them secret is not an option. This reminds me of some random tweet I saw where the person was sitting in the college library listening to a guy brag about his ACT scores, and the person thinking I signed up for the ACTs, forgot about them, and we still ended up at the same college. One woman called him out on it as she had just bought her paper the day before- in response, this salesman of Cydcor for 3 years, was baffled as to what to do besides ask her twice to confirm that the cheaper price was not a special sale price. Its pretty common among the people I know to be out in some contexts but not at work or school, so it is a good idea to confirm. What actually happens is employees work 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week doing door to door sales to make maybe $300-600 (if theyre one of the successful ones who are ok hard selling stuff or happen to have a semi-decent product), while paying for their own gas, car etc. It really depends on personal goals, industry, prospects after degree, etc. Keymaster, off topic but I want you to know that whenever I come across your name in the comment section I perk up internally because I know I am about to hear a comment that is thoughtful, insightful, compassionate, interesting, and witty. making it bold or changing the colour) If you have been scammed by Wrinardo or any of his buddies I encourage you to contact the Alabama Attorney General's Office and the BBB! Of my graduating class that went to college? If its a recruiter youd be interested in hearing from in the future, spend 2 minutes to respond politely. The key is to focus your efforts on the information that would be particularly embarrassing to have wrong names, dates (if you need to talk about events or deadlines), key data, etc. Yours may as well. Brains are not good at seeing what you *actually* wrote instead of what you think you wrote. Yeah, I would also just *use* they pronouns. Company website run by crooks outside USA pretending to be in USA to get USA money taking your hard-earned dollars funneling it to the country of Peru, Better Business Bureau of South Florida BBB of South Florida Andre Amaro and the BBB of South Florida are harassing me and my small business! You just use the pronouns. I did eventually get a certification in my field, from an accredited organization again, I did that for myself, because I liked the idea of structured learning, but it wasnt a requirement for my career, and it was pure personal choice. Getting one for a job that genuinely requires the skills you can only get that way, sure. Intelligence cannot be taught, and book smarts only goes so far in the real world. Or no one encouraged you in your schoolwork. A social ceremony was performed before the lecture, where you were to stand around talking casually, but in reality the transfers approached us and tired to make us feel comfortable. ), some who have a prefered set and a set they dont mind, and some who just like all the pronouns they use about equally. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. At the one recruitment seminar thing I went to, once it was clear that they expected people to sell to their personal networks, I knew i could never make money (I wasnt living near my extended family, which was their main example, and all my friends were broke students and new grades like me) so I told the guy no thank, and he tried to bully me with stuff like Youll regret it with You just need to ~believe in yourself~ more peppered in. Honestly though I really try not to do anything majorly important in the afternoon, or do it and wait until the morning to send it if at all possible because I know I am sharpest in the morning. or get a proxy to review it for you. The group then breaks out in cult-like rituals by playing games, chanting, dancing, giving a ridiculous amount of high-fives, and praising their "national conference" like its the greatest thing on God's green earth. Me: this is a 10,000 word dissertation please stop doing this. Fortunately, as OP is at the beginning of their working career, that helps. I would be completely unsurprised if it was not OK, and when you contact someone, they say Oh, THAT company again!. My school has done everything it can to put the affirmed name front and center, but we still have frequent incidences of mis-identification. Privacy Policy. All or nothing. Im not saying sharing this information was appropriate or necessary in this particularly context, and it sounds like this HR person lacks judgement in other ways too, but its something that may come up again in an innocent context and since there is nothing shameful about your background, I think you would be better better off owning it. Which is genuinely what happened, and means that my jobs with more legitimate skills/achievements dont get pushed off the page. Just go with whatever the student wants you to use; if its someone asking you for a recommendation you probably have enough relationship that that should be an easy conversation. This is very fixable, you can do this. You inferred that. Thanks for taking the time to read. Going backwards helps me slow down and literally take it a word at a time. I knew this was a door to door sales job, I was ready to work hard for little pay, but too much wasnt right with the company. Most people in my industry have at least a bachelor, many have MBAs. Even little stuff, though the level of thoroughness varies depending on the context. c) Physical changes, like printing things out instead of on-screen review, possibly even w/ different font if possible; THIS IS HUGE. The funny thing is that none of them directly use their PhD area of expertise for our work now. I have one nonbinary friend who really prefers no pronouns (which can be tricky, but ze does have a short name, which helps) and is okay with the ze set of pronouns to make things easier. As someone who has done recruitment, a reply is always appreciated even if it is just a No thanks, not interested. And see below link: Well, I'm not going to say this is a big time scam or anything but I only worked for them for 4 hours and quit, and I sure am glad that I did.I responded to an ad on craigslist for advertising and marketing in the sports and entertainment industries. My worst one was misspelling Success as Sucess. Now its required for all but entry level. There are a few phrases that trigger a hard ignore. If an office opens and closes, they didn't lose a dime as would a larger corporation opening and closing a new branch. Seasonal work in retail or warehouse work can be very lucrative these months if youre able to work overtime, and while theyre not easy jobs they typically dont invite moral dilemna. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. When you come back to it, youll see the errors. It is something that I am very insecure about, but I have never let it hold me back from working my ass off and advancing my career. Thanks for the advice! The day is coming to an end and the interview is coming back to the office. I don't see it as a con, yet for some, they may perceive the strive to continue to improve as a con so it may not be a fit for all people. They will not mention door to door in these ads and even more commonly will list a salary amount that is false. I was highly skeptical after hearing back almost immediately after applying, but I was pretty desperate to find a job ASAP due to circumstances in my life at the time, that I was willfully blind to it. You can respond with a no thank you if youd like, but that is absolutely at your discretion. He worked his tail off and makes 7 figures at a tech company at an executive level. So if someone in the group is negative - you don't want to socialize with that person. The old things gradually become reflexive, and allow me to keep a record of where I applied a certain style or phrasing, and where I will want to update those things the next time I can revamp my product. If was also a job with a lot of time pressure, so I did myself a favor when I got 95% of everything right after the second check. I went from retail to retail job for a few years trying to figure out what I DID want, and then I landed an entry-level position in my current company. This is not a MLM, it definitely is a pyramid scheme. If I go to him and tell him that HR employee A is a problem, hell tell me to work with As manager to train and coach them. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. This will be generally understood and viewed with approval by HR / recruiters and hiring managers esp. Oh and I was actually fired. It might actually depend on how they are applying. My boss cried. A lot of people would miss the error in that sentence because 1) they read in chunks, not one word at a time 2) the brain sees what it expects to see, which is why seemingly glaring errors sometimes get missed. A few years ago someone in my department made a coding mistake in a query that meant we sent the wrong data in a situation where that ended up costing us actual money, and since then weve set up formal QA/QC processes for nearly everything that leaves our department. It sucks when an executive leader calls it out, I just want to die. Employers / Post Job. Good luck!!! In this context, its pretty obvious that its about a single person, and I would expect most colleges to be hip to the notion of people choosing their pronouns. My resume still looks a little odd to me, because I wouldnt put HS on it and I dont have that higher ed but my list of experiences and roles and 20 years at the same company progressing to higher level positions speaks for itself. Its your job to find, recruit, and sucker more people to join an organization to "help you" get promoted. My company has a written policy on who specifically can have access to various employee info (including educational background) and for what reason. Nonbinary folks vary a LOT, but I think most of us will take the question as a sign that you respect our identity and want to get it right. You are praised big time if you personally recruit - but to advertise in papers - you can only tell an applicant half truths to get them to try the business out.#3 Definately!#4 Yes! First- Cydcors client (cable, internet, office supplies) or Cydcor themselves take the account away from the employee who established the account after 6 weeks- this means that the salesman only gets their residuals for a period of time- if the residuals stayed so would I; it would be a real sales job with potential for exponential pay which would balance out the meager commission. Weirdly though, this recruiter who had presumably never even seen my resume was one of the most persistent. Come work now!!! Is fresh success marketing a pyramid scheme? Retail is not a terrible option by comparison. I sold office supplies door to door on a commission only basis. That was all back in February and I just started my new REAL job almost 2 months ago and I couldn't be more happy. I didnt. I know working at my university it was an issue that all outgoing communication has to be the legal name. I would definitely flag this and say that I wanted to know what the reason for sharing peoples files are/if confidential info would be shared in the same way. I want to do it right and I dont know anyone IRL who would know either. So annoying! I said a mix of both would be nice, and she said to start off you would be outside 75% of the time. printing the document and going through it with a pen or highlighter I did, along with 5 other people. They lie about how much you can eventually make. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Consumers want to see how a business took care of business. At some point the dust settles. All of their reviews are the same people. *Side note, did you have to do THREE 1-on-1 coaching meetings with other people in the company every week? At this point, finishing his degree probably wouldnt help him at all. There is no work reason for your HR person to be sharing that information with random people in the break room. Problem is - if you are modeling someone - you take on the good and bad charicteristics. But really, when in doubt, ask them. All these red flags so far, BUT I am tired of living with my parents and applying for jobs; it seemed like a Godsend to an impatient young recent college graduate second guessing his forte in science. Then my boss treated me poorly as a result because she thought I was after her job or trying to undermine her if I ever asked a question about anything. Yeah, this was my take. They kept calling everyone they, regardless of peoples actual gender and pronouns. I think in a college application where Susan probably has a chance to put in both his birth certificate name and the name hes currently using, the lw does not need to take on this responsibility unless asked. Thanks, Alison & commentariat, for confirming my suspicions about this job! It was just another lie to get LW1 on board. I know this part in itself is off-topic and I hope it doesnt get deleted for being so, I just think it important for everyone discussing this or reading it in the future to keep in mind. I quickly realized what a scam it was, having to show up for two meetings daily to motivate and debrief, chanting and brainwashing. Meaning when you do final work its door to door. Some sell phone service. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Trying this + Alisons suggestion of stepping away from it for a time could make a big difference. But I will damn well say I was talking to Mr. Smith, and he said not I was talking to Smith, and they said if I know that Bob Smith uses he pronouns and prefers the Mr. title. There were 8 steps to the system and when I failed, I must have failed one of the cult items. If the errors are typos, something I do and recommend often is slowly reading your work out loud to yourself. After the said training and you are "hired on" which usually takes a week, your training bonus is a itty bitty $150. How to stop making careless mistakes at work. Its not always easy to slow down when youre up against a deadline, but its necessary if it means making less errors (Ive learned the hard way once or twice this year!). Of course, I knew my mom would never give out my information without my permission, but I couldnt explain how this person knew this combination of things about me. Signing up people for things that are not necessarily to their benefit. Using they pronouns in arecommendation letter without confusing people. Funny how that fault went away the day I quit. OP3 please dont be ashamed of your degree. Mainly due to compensation issues as well. My old resumes landed in every corner of the internet and are still floating around. Because applications can be super official, you can check that hes using his name in the application and wants to be referred to as Susan in the letter. Tell them specifically that you need them to point out errors of assumptions, context, unwritten history. So the LW should ask the student which name/s and pronoun/s theyre using in their own materials, and then use the same in the recommendation letter. We are pyramid scam under Cydcor. I think its also time to document all of the times the HR manager has been less than confidential with information and has used her privileged position for gossip and maybe bring it to someone elses attention and how that could affect the company. OP2 There is a mistake in this =). No compensation for gas. Also they will do just enough to make you believe that you are going to get promoted, just need to do a few more things. That respect the students identity, and avoids confusion for the college admissions office. About 15 minutes later I knowingly asked my boss what the overall company's name was (because these "independently owned" offices were actually ICLs), and he said the word Cydcor very quietly, just as I expected. I also come from a blue collar family, of people who are also proud of what they do, and I would never dream of making fun of someone for having less education. I then find out that I am starting at the same exact level as all of these cool cats hanging in the room -- I'm thinking what the hell is going on here? Honestly this seems moot anyway, since Susan should never be in a position to see the recommendation letter. OP2 it sounds as though youre making a distinction between being done and having caught all the errors, and theyre part and parcel. Which, is why I pick a second person who is not the person Im trying to impress. Really, really important to point out that nobody that Ive seen has said Susans assigned gender at birth. Usually, this just means that someone is okay with people using either he or they for them (but wouldnt want to be called she or another pronoun). I am fan of reading it out loud, which can also be good presentation practice too. I truly do not think I'd seen such a large group of people of this persuasion since walking past the special education room in high school, and I mean that as no offense to anyone or their family members. Reading everything out loud, too. When you use this technique explanations such as, I was rushing, I was tired etc all get chucked to one side. Checklists are gold for consistent proofing and you can add another step if a new error crops up. The Cydcor affiliates call themselves "direct sales and marketing firms" but it has been documented by people who worked and interviewed with the affiliates that the primary focus is on . Curious follow-up question: how did things go with their numbers? You were called into an interview, and basically bullied into a job. I would not be at all surprised if you were correct in your assumption. They are rhinos out for financial indepedence doing the things no one wants to do so that they can be filthy rich and have great lives.#8 Yes! They're the one making the most money at the location, and all they're worried about is paying off google/yahoo/separate PR firms to make that location/business appear legit. After she paid for and passed their training course, they ghosted her. My mother only has a high school degree, and she was able to get administrative jobs in the 1970s and 80s that would probably require or at least prefer a college degree now. But I dont think OP should be encouraged to get one just because she can and might appear or feel stupid without one. If you think someone is trying to scam you, this is the place to ask about it. And keep doing this. My GP helped out with some meds and I got lots of cat cuddles at home. Early in my career I flagged all my questions in red, and when I turned that off also turned off bold, italic, superscript, Greek font for metric prefixes, some header styles.. There are also phone apps that will read content for you. OP1, you need to get out as soon as you can. I think it is more making sure that they are out to the college as well. Ive known some people who are absolutely delighted when people alternate like another Hero did (great name btw! Very helpful! How is your self-care doing? I got Word to read my essays to me in university for that reason, but it really doesnt like reading anything earlier than 1900 as a year. Most people realize the ethical issues with a few weeks on the job and bail. 9 Cydcor reviews. But if he isnt out to his parents or something, Id check for sure. Told the boss there was a technical fault with my mobile phone. Id make sure to double-check the numbers he was more likely to know off the top of his head because if he saw errors there, it was much harder to convince him that the levels below that were correct as well (hed assume the error rate was probably the same across the board). All those folks with PhDs? Its unlikely the school is going to think youre writing about the wrong person. They setup local pyramid schemes across USA selling products and services door to door. They teach recruits how to brainwash and manipulate people. Having an actual second person really helps too. Its totally appropriate to do so. In this context it may be necessary to acknowledge their legal name to make sure it actually gets attached to the application. Regardless of whether education levels are considered private, *discretion* is critical to the job. I actually felt really bad about leaving at first because I thought I was throwing away the biggest opportunity ever. I think it would be fine to say in a subsequent interview that you left because you learned it was a multi-level marketing company and you had ethical qualms with that. It was my fault somehow every time. (Make sure they are that type of person; my brain will read over things so I am usually not the best person.) Do you skip lunch and tell yourself NBD? I deleted the previous convo cause they Press J to jump to the feed. Cookie Notice At least we caught it before the public saw, but I was so embarrassed. And if you dont have the clout theres nothing you can do: if you strike at a king you should not miss. The owner gets to go on a lot of vacations while the staff does door to door sales all day. #5. Imagine that someone being the one who carried you for 9th months in their belly, taught you how to walk, fought with you about little things that only a mother and daughter relationship could understand. (In my case I quit and provided evidence to the prosecution when they ended up in the high court. But Im cis, so *shrug* if anyone else knows differently please tell us? Cydcor has garnered a reputation for sales excellence and expertise, consistently exceeding client expectations and driving revenue growth, to become one of the most trusted names in outsourced sales. I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! And oftentimes, a business leader can have more impact on these terrible HR people, because they can have more sway with executive (non-HR) leadership. Id only be laughing at myself if I pointed out that I spent all that time and money on the degree, and have ended up in exactly the same position as everyone else. Customer acquisition programs aimed at small and medium-sized businesses match client products and solutions to customers' unique needs. For some reason when I graduated in 08, there were a number of sales offices that sold TV service door to door. consider whether it is a matter of temperament. After reading about the company, finding negative and downright frightening reviews, and then digging into how it REALLY got started; well Ive decided to take employment elsewhere. This organization seems to have a bad vibe online (pyramid scheme), but most reviews are US-based. If you live near the headquarters of any retailers, you might be able to get a job there doing something closer to your level. It is a federal requirement that students are listed in certain databases by the name on their birth certificate. (Even though you might not have made any money that day). For me, I get so sucked into a task that even when Im proofreading Ill miss mistakes! Itll save your stress levels in deadline crunches and free up some brain space for content polishing. And if the student gave the LW their preferred name, odds are pretty good that preferred name is somewhere in their application. OP didnt ask what to do about their educational credentials; they asked what to do about an HR person whos indiscriminately sharing those credentials (and who knows what other, more sensitive information) and colleagues who are laughing. Re: careless mistakes Its hard not to feel sensitive about lacking something that the society at large has set as such a huge denominator of a persons value to the working world. You cant even name the problem and glean the extent of its malignancy, much less try to begin treating it, if the issue itself becomes a taboo wrapped in a stigma. GroupM creates competitive advantage for advertisers via its worldwide organisation of media experts who deliver powerful insights on consumers and media platforms, trading expertise, market-leading brand-safe media, technology solutions, addressable TV, content, sports and more. Its just the nature of the beast. But loosing your mom makes you appreciate and love your father so much more than you ever had. What Cydcor's scam businesses refer to as an "owner"he or she is the one actually running the businesses'/location's scam. Its not something everyone can just go and do (and is rather shortsighted when people reckon its a simple thing to just go and get). CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. I think this is valuable information, that is rarely seen; how does one cope the day-to-day in that kind of a situation, when you realize you have been blinded and mislead. Long story short I ended up losing my savings on out of pocket costs. #4: Have you asked your student how theyd like you to approach it? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. or fake? I would use a search find for the first half of it, to make sure no use was slipping by not properly hyphenated. Definitely just ask the student what they prefer, and dont worry about it being confusing. Cydcor's culture puts integrity first as it fosters the growth, leadership, and excellence of our team. Also, the real issue here is that the HR person shared information that no one needed but that it was clearly intended to create or enforce a pecking order where the more educated and therefore smarter people could look down on and mock the less educated and therefore stupid people. I NEVER proofread something Ive worked on myself. b the ones where the input is most likely to be wrong, based on my experience: Again, taking forecasting as the example, our office in Vienna usually reported salaries with an error rate of 5-10%. do I still need to wear a suit to a job interview? OP, this is something to raise to your boss or higher up HR people. Im hoping the coworker was just surprised. Im sorry to hear that, and Im sending virtual hugs is you want them. OP #1: There is no HR training. The parenthetical explanation draws too much attention to the pronouns and could feel othering or even risk outing Susan. You begin to realize just how bad it is when your executives live in apartment with 3 others struggling to live on their own. and the one thing Ive learned is that it is nearly impossible to have a 100% perfect document, even if it is proofed by multiple people. I mean, I have a degree and my sister doesnt. I think that most students have a specific request around their pronouns, actually maybe not many students that you know of use more than one set of pronouns or names, and not many students that you know of have recently changed something about their pronouns or name, but the majority of people have a preference on which pronoun they get called. Op should be encouraged to get one just because she can and appear... On how they are out to the pronouns and could feel othering or even risk outing Susan dont. 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