guardians of the green beret

The Guardians of the Green Beret is a team of active duty and retired Green Berets who expose Special Forces imposters and posers. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. What we know Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret served on active duty from 2/28/11 until 6/10/11. Ourphone call with him is included immediately after the one we found of him claiming SF. Richard "Dick" Couty, aka Cooty Bug, pretended to be a Green Beret for over 40 years. If you want what we have, just join the military. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road. I guess he never thought he would hurt and shame his family to the extent he ended up doing so. As we approached spring commissioning in 2017, one of the cadets asked Ron to give them their Oath of Office. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. SaytheirName. Report a suspected Special Forces (Green Beret) Fraud and what we need. Brad Hynde; phony Green Beret. If he did, he'd screw an honest young officer down the road if the commission was determined to be fraudulent in any way. It is also played at the end of every Denver Broncos home victory. I feel sorry for his family. At this point in time. Fred has made the following claims concerning his. 1) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret dressed in his fake uniform. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. I'm a suspicious mofo. In honor of our fallen Green Berets, SF Brothers in collaboration w/ Excalibur Industries, have come up with these high quality Remembrance Chips. The United States Army Special Forces (SF), also known as the Green Berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are a special operations force tasked with six primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, hostage rescue, and counter-terrorism. He and Mike Mika (President of SFA Ch 34) threatened to sue the SFA National if they didn't rescind the letter they sent us, give Rudi a formal apology, and re-instate him as a member in good standing. DET A-101 (LANG VEI), C CO, 5TH SF GROUP, USARV It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. There'snot really a need to wait on records as we see no additional training whatsoever after AIT in our backchannel search of his records. Guardians of The Green Beret - YouTube Our new website is online.Still a few issues we need to iron out but you can check it out:http://guardiansofthegreenberet.comAnd our. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. He also said he used a Barrett 50 Caliber Sniper rifle as a Special Forces Sniper. Shop John Hatter & Co online from Not close. Franco K Webb the fake Green Beret will now be added to hall of zeroes forever. I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarboroughs Aide. Strst utbud av kepsar, mssor & hattar. It turns out he was reduced in rank twice and separated from the Army for exceeding the weight limit for his height. Here is the listing The Guardians of The Green Beret have for Jeremy Dewitte Added to the Hall of Zeros April 2020 . I reached out to XXXXX'spredecessor COL(R) XXXX XXXXXX (GS15 w/ USACE in Cincy, XXXXand I came to be friends during my tenure), and XXXXmentioned he remembered Ron as a MAJ at an event he (XXXX) was invited to by XXXXX. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. I guess he never thought he would hurt and shame his family to the extent he ended up doing so. 5th is our 2015 dining out; I'm far left, Ron is hiding behind then-SFC (XXXXX) XXXXX XXXX, and the other tall guy is then-MSG XXXX XXXXX(now MSG(R) and the recruiting opns officer at UC Army ROTC). I'm sure he could have joined the military. We will add the NPRC result once it arrives. Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, Hall of Heroes. Ron told me he was thinking of harming himself and I told him to seek help, but that I wouldn't pursue anything else. (paste) Response to posted messages on this page that Martin Le Blanc / Ghost Warrior is a fraud: Members of the Guardians of the Green Beret - a self-appointed group of presumed former Green Berets - attended a public presentation about the book Ghost Warrior on March 9 and loudly proclaimed their opinion of fraud. Soldiers Medal:False, Records do NOT support this claim, Bronze Star X2:False, Records do NOT support this claim. Derek Hamm the fake Green Beret was sent to us way back in 2017. Kp Golf Ellipse Hat Hunter Green Helmet Adjustabe - Oakley keps online p Hatstore. I remembered the 1st Army unit patch and called the 1st Army G1 no record of a LTC Ron Fernandez, SF, assigned to them at any point in past 10yrs. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. I feel sorry for his family. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. CSM Reggie claims to have had 25 years in Special Operations Command and told our investigator that he served in 5th SFG(A). Guardians of The Green Beret And he was a decent and easy-going guy. After, This is a living document so we will continue to add emails/statements to this article even years from now, so if you read this and want to make an anonymous statement, send an email to: If you look thru the pics I attached, Ron's ribbon rack is either deliberately hidden in all the pics I found of him, or it's entirely coincidental that they're always behind someone else in the pic. December 14, 2017 Papotia Reginald Wright Guardians Of The Green Beret Brooklyn Army vet Papotia Reginald Wright's resume was impressive by any standard. Almost everything except taking responsibility and admitting he lied. It amazing when these frauds lie to you trying to make you think you have the wrong guy. He was a cook (94B20) and Clerck Typist (71B20), Any type of parachutist badge:False, never even attempted the training, Special Forces Tab:False, never even attempted the training. Nothing really jumped out at me as potentially wrong. Good job Guardians of the Green Beret. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. People probably don't realize what it would be like for me to ever actually meet a phony Green Beret. To any potential fakers. I shared all of this w/ MSG XXXXXand Ms. XXXXX, she was as upset as XXXX XXXXXX. Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. Sergeant First Class Eugene Ashley, Jr. Hall of Heroes. He was the first member of the U.S. Army to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions performed in Southeast Asia while in captivity. We did this thinking he would finally take our call. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. I took screen shots. He was getting away with his lie until his partner reached out to Guardians of the Green Beret. 1000 jumps and 9 combat jumps. It was getting harder for Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret to claim we were on the wrong guy. The video struck me as full of problems, so I shared it with the SF List. I just want to thank Guardians of the Green Beret. He probably never will. It seems he has around 35ish civil chargesand several criminal charges. RememberourBrothers. It must have felt good. He said he was in the Utah National Guard. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. He questioned why someone would be looking into him. This guy is to me obviously mentally ill. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. Please keep comments civil or you'll be removed from the forum. Nothing really triggered suspicion and he seemed to know his stuff. I knew XXXXX and reached out to him. It's really pathetic that people try to get away with this type of stuff. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. 12) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret attended one of the many Balls he attended over the years. The calls with them can be heard here: Call with 1st student that wrote the memorandum. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. Ron XXXXXcontacted last week, approximately 12 Feb 2020, and asked for a status update on the Calvert situation. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. He had forgotten to blacken out his name and you could see his last name was Nielsen. We were sent this fake Green Beret over 2 years ago. Wil Hamilton should practice "Thou shalt not bear false witness". The 1st time I met Ron he was in ACUs w/ typical combat flair (i.e., SF patches on both sleeves, Ranger tab, CIB, abn/aaslt wings). This is not a bullying or shaming forum. Yes, I am a Green Beret. He was a CAR STEREO SALESMAN and INSTALLER on Yadkin Road the ENTIRE TIME I KNEW HIM. He had his chance. 2) Ron Fernandez at a UC ROTC function. He was a CAR STEREO SALESMAN and INSTALLER on Yadkin Road the ENTIRE TIME I KNEW HIM. DET A-431 (CAI CAI), D CO, 5TH SF GROUP, South Vietnam, Kien Phong province SF Training @ FtBragg:False, never attempted SFTG much less graduated the course, Volunteer for RVN in 1967:False, he never went to Vietnam, MeKong Delta for 13 months:False, he never went to Vietnam, Hill 29 hawk Hill:False, he never went to Vietnam, 101st Airborne in 1969:False, he never went to Vietnam, Hill 937 Hamburger Hill:False, he never went to Vietnam, 54 Combat Jumps:False, he wasn't even Airborne, nor did he go to combat in Vietnam, 5 man LRRP team in 1970:False, he never went to Vietnam, 3.5 years in Vietnam:False, he never went to Vietnam, Richard Calvert will now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.comhall of Zeroes, #stolenvalor #specialforces #greenberet #richardcalvert, Categories: Hall of ZeroesNumber of views: 11077. You can hear those claims here: A 2nd video of him claiming to have been stabbed.. The former Green Beret reveals that because of pressure and the idea that those in his network will be fired from their positions or lose job benefits over speaking out against the woke political agenda, it forces them to remain silent, even if that means having to go against their own values and beliefs. He agreed: AnthonyTravis Nielsen,AnthonyTravis, Travis Anthony, Travis Raids, or whatever you're going by at this point in time, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet hall of zeroes forever. Maybe it's best to copy and paste one of the detailed emails: apologies taking so long to get this to you. He went to basic and AIT. Let this guy be a lesson to you. I'm sure he could have joined the military. What peaked my suspicion was our winter 2016 FTX where we went to Fort Knox rather than Cp Atterbury. Back to the pre-commissioning checks. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. He should have done better research. Ron arrived in ASUs and bloused boots w/ just enough stuff that seemed legit and didn't draw questions. He doesn't show it on his ribbon rack but claims it in his Legion announcement. We always try and reach out to these guys yet couldn't get this fake Green Beret to answer the phone. My Recon buddy told me after that meeting that Richard called him 3 times last night and finally talked to him this morning, asking who I am and what I might want. A non profit group set up to help former Green Berets. NOT! Anthony Travis the fake Green Beret. Gunmaker with DoD Contacts Falsely Claims to be a Green Beret. Roger Alan Case claims he was a "Werewolf Scout Sniper" working Covert Ops. I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarboroughs Aide. Blaine Campbell, Green Beret? Claims to have done 54 combat jumps in Vietnam. We're not sure when Rudi Gresham started living the lie but from a picture he shared, it looks like it dates pre'71. We're not sure he even knew what he was pretending to be. You might see a better image in picture #90. We were sent Ron Fernandez, the fake Green Beret by two different people within a week of each other. While we waited on official records from HRC and NPRC, we collected his SF footprint on the web. From the video, Richard Calvert, Fake Green Beret showing his unearned stuff. The Guardians of the Green Bere t have released their report of the joint investigation of Tennessee gunmaker Blaine Campbell, who falsely claimed he was a Special Forces weapon sergeant. Speaking at the National Action Network's annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington, Biden appeared to mock his conservative colleagues. Well, he was getting ready to be a guest speaker at a local VFW and many saw his claims of 54 combats jumps as a huge red flag and reached out to us again. After that I called 4th RTB at Benning. Franco was sent to us long ago when someone saw a news articleabout him while he was running for mayor of Fayetteville NC. If you're going to confront him, I'm in Columbus 11-13Jul for the Scholastic Action Shooting Program nationals (my son is competing). Afterward, we shared all of this w/ the cadre, then w/ the seniors (cadets). He could have everything without dropping a single iota of blood, sweat, or tears. They give a false representation of who we are, what we are, and what we represent. My SEL MSG XXXXX and one of our cadre, CPT XXXX XXXXXXX, had similar thoughts seemed weird to all 3 of us. There's no one assigned to this brigade by that name, and we have no SF officers assigned to us in any capacity." Franco Webb claimed to be a Special Forces Medic (18D) while running for Mayor of Fayetteville NC. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. Offensive is not the word. READ BEFORE POSTING/JOINING. Aim Low, Boys. We're former and current Green Beret's, finding fake Green Berets, verifying they are not what they claim, and "Outing" their lie. Failure on my part. DeOppressoLiber. These chips can also be displayed in coin collections and be given as gifts to Gold Star Family Members and others, simply letting the our community know we do say their names daily and honor their commitment and sacrifice. He said all his LRRP missions were with ARVNs so no US LRRPs would know him. They collected evidence of his alleged Stolen Valor over a few weeks at the request of the Green Beret Foundation. Meet Colonel Fred H. Meyling wannabe "Green Beret", registered nurse, counselor, holder of multiple college degrees, and Citizen of the Year. No. This is an older article we transferred over from our Facebook forum. Butch Hansen told one of our investigators anexcuse as to why he claimed to be a Green Beret and then told us a different excuseon the phone. We talked to friends from long ago and most have said they've severed ties with him and he's been a bullshitter for as long as they can remember. He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D. We assume he was in the National Guard and he confirmed that over the phone. If you've heard Joey Galindo the fake Green Beret making these false claims, email us at: I got there at 0945. Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. This is what we see him accomplishing in the military. His family had asked him for years to stop claiming to have been in the service. Guardians of the Green Berets first posted on Instagram that a well known Social Media Influencer was a fraud. Richard was a Special Forces combat medic in the 8th Medical Brigade who was assigned at various times to many different fighting groups in Vietnam. He just didn't think it was worth it. We don't make it a habit of including criminal charges in these articles unless they bring something to the case. 2) Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret. I don't think there is a word for all the things that would go through my mind. "No LTC Ron Fernandez was a BN CDR here", and he couldn't recall a LTC Ron Fernandez in 19th Grp in any capacity. We sent him a picture he had shared on his social media of him in AIT. It must have felt good. It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. Not so fast Nicholas A. George, Green BeretNOT!!! So we reached out to Ron Fernandez and he admitted he was never in the military. He told them we had the wrong guy. NOT!! Soooo, what are his claims vs what the facts show: Silver Star x2:False, he never went to Vietnam, he never saw combat. We were in dialog with him through the GBF. maybe he has a doppelganger he doesn't know about. Our meeting this morning (1000-1030hrs, 17 Feb 2020): We met at a Starbucks near his home. He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. Purple Heart x4 or 5 depending on who hes talking to. I've retracted everything," he (Campbell) said. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3). He probably never will. Army of the United States. We reached out to some students and instructors for comments. The 7th Grp picture he pretends is his is an ODA from the mid-'80s. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. SGM Fernandez said Ron was his little brother, was known to impersonate an SF officer from time to time, was dismayed Ron was doing it "again", and he'd handle it. We might have held off on that as that was a lost day of nothing but messages, texts, and calls from people that have had dealing with him. These phonies do a great disservice to all us real Green Berets. He otherwise never asked for anything and paid for his meals when we did unit functions. He wears an elisted beret yet 0-6 rank on his uniform. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. COL Bob Howardserved five tours in Vietnam and is the only soldier in our nation's history to be nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor three times for three separate actionswithin a thirteen month period. I told him that his 214 shows he was only in the Army for 2 years and all of it in Germany as a clerk he just shrugged his shoulders and said I dont know nothin about that.. Here is a link to where he is profiled as a sponsor of the Red Tail TuskegeeAirman:Removed Richard served in the Vietnam War as an Army Combat Medic and earned the Purple Heart. This is yet another lie. This includes some ongoing conversations with Fernandez who claims he will make it all right with the press. We did a formal dining out at the Covington, KY, Marriott late-2016 and Ron showed up in Mess Dress. The investigation was a partnership between the Guardians of the Green Beret and the Second Amendment Foundation 's Investigative Journalism Project. All of us were of the same mind -- something was wrong. Rick was sent to us by someone who saw him at a yearly Vietnam Veteran's reunion over the years. We are a store with 100% focus on headwear. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. Others reached out again so we reached out tothe SF schoolhouse and they saw no record of him having attempted Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) much less the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC). This guy is to me obviously mentally ill. He appears to be shutting down his business - - and social media sites, so you could get errors if you try to click on them. He received his decorations for valor for actions while serving as an NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer). It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. Well done. The third nomination was downgraded to a 2nd Distinguished Service Cross but later upgraded to the Medal of Honor. I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarboroughs Aide. People probably don't realize what it would be like for me to ever actually meet a phony Green Beret. First of all, thank you folks for what you do, what youve done, and what youre willing to do. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. The GotGB did some extensive work with this case so we can only scratch the surface. You can see a video of him here and hear his confession: If you've had contact with the fake Green Beret Anthony Travis Nielsen, send us an email so we can add it to all the others. Ron was on-and-off w/ us after that but was always calling about free football game tickets for Hero's Bowl and etc. Not close. Rent the Kit, rent the NODs, pretend you're a Green Beret. You can hear his call here: After the call with Ron Fernandez, the fake Green Beret, we were sent 2 memorandums. Medal of Honor recipient for his valorous actions on September 17, 1969, while commanding the Third Company, Third Battalion of the IV Mobile Strike Force near Chi Lang, Vietnam. When will this clown give it up? Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. We believe he was hoping he could get it to use as his own since he had already had 2 instances of being asked to produceone to enter a military installation and not being able to when asked. His beret was black. Here's the link to the 2nd call from the 2nd former student that wrote a memo for Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret: Call with a 2nd student that wrote a memorandum for Ron. Lifelong crinminal and con man. Good job Guardians of the Green Beret. Details Home Tees Pop Culture Tees The Lord Of The Rings Sauron Girls T-Shirt 1 Review $19.92 $24.90 4 interest-free payments available on orders over $35 with Learn more 20% Off Color: NAVY size: SM Size Chart SM When will this clown give it up? This is almost unbelievable. James Cooper should do some research. It was also noted that the rank of LTC was left out of eachmemo. I feel sorry for his family. This one slipped through the cracks. He probably never will. Having 46,000+ followers on Instagram and claiming to be a Green Beret, does NOT make you a Green Beret unless you've gone through the training. But all of a sudden Ron had a home emergency and his wife drove down from Dayton late Sat to grab him and he disappeared. He wasn't a braggart, never made outlandish claims to us or the cadets. These chips are designed to be placed on the grave markers of war fighters who have worn the Green Beret in the past and present. Their website has a "hall of heroes" - dedicated to. Steve Balm | July 12, 2022 Our friends at the Guardians of the Green Beret (GotGB) recently posted a case on this Ron Fernandez fella. Not hard to do the math at that point. People probably don't realize what it would be like for me to ever actually meet a phony Green Beret. In honor of our fallen Green Berets, SF Brothers in collaboration w/ Excalibur Industries, have come up with these high quality Remembrance Chips. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. He should have kept quiet We were sent Ramn Montijo by some that knew him as a 1SG yet saw him wearing the rank of a Captain. 222 views2 hours ago 10:46 Ron. We started looking into Ron and found someone who had known him back in the mid-'90s that saw Ron participate in a live-fire event. His other awards for valor include the Distinguished Service Cross - our nation's second highest award, the Silver Star - the third highest award, and numerous lesser decorations including eight Purple Hearts. I remember he only had 3 combat hashes, and this didn't raise suspicion w/ me based on his claim to be in 19th SFG(A). They presented . #RonFernandez, #RonnieFernandez, #RonRFernandez, #RonnieRFernandez. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road. I called the 1st Army S1 for the AC/RC BDE at Cp Atterbury and asked the same thing -- "No, Sir. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. But he dug in. The second nomination was downgraded to the Silver Star. These chips are designed to be placed on the grave markers of war fighters who have worn the Green Beret in the past and present. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. I pulled MSG XXXXX and CPT XXXXXXX in and aired my suspicion. John Medlock had problem both in and out of the service. He refused to call us. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. He said he'd reach out. The 7th Grp picture he pretends is his is an ODA from the mid-'80s. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. Good job Guardians of the Green Beret. He told me he'd get back to me and didn't. We will redact your name and email address. Unable to recall the cadet's name or look up the Facebook profile where the pics were posted. In and amongst all of this I researched the now-defunct Army White Pages on AKO for a "Fernandez" in any SOF capacity and found a SGM Fernandez in 1st SFG(A). If you've heard Franco K Webb the fake Green Beret make claims of being SF, Green Beret, 18D, MSG, or anything other than a 29E (Radio Repair), send us an email. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3). Taken from his facebook. He completed Special Forces Training and then served with various groups and special operations in Vietnam including Long Range Reconnaissance, 101st Airborne and Dust Off Units. These phonies do a great disservice to all us real Green Berets. He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. Nick George, 757 missions, shot 31 times, 2 Silver Stars, 6 Purple Hearts All bogus. -- we were all in Service Dress. For the first one, the Guardians of the Green Beret just published a case on Anthony Travis Nielsen . A former student he helped mentor at the University of Cincinnati ROTC saw him at an exercise with the Ohio Military Reserve wearing Sergeant rank (E-5) when he had known him for years as a Green Beret, Lieutenant Colonel assigned to 19th Special Forces Group. Thats it. I tracked him down and he rolled out of his rack unshaven and was going to go do the RSO thing until I told him to shave as a good example to the cadets. Report a suspected Special Forces (Green Beret) Fraud and what we need. The Green Beret Foundation(GBF) reached out to us about a week ago asking if we could verify an Anthony Travis Nielsen. A Starbucks near his home video struck me as potentially wrong XXXXXand Ms. XXXXX, was! Call here: after the one we found of him in AIT Nielsen fake... The end of every Denver Broncos home victory Ellipse Hat Hunter Green Helmet Adjustabe - Oakley keps p. It just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service just want to Guardians. 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Not bear False witness '' for a status update on the wrong guy his uniform Facebook forum Veteran #. A decent and easy-going guy ribbon rack but claims it in his fake.... Over 40 years 1 ) Ron Fernandez and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road 18D ) while for... You might see a better image in picture # 90 was sent to us long ago someone. The Calvert situation is also played at the end of every Denver Broncos home victory that the... Image in picture # 90 lie but from a picture he had on. Be removed from the mid-'80s Kit, rent the Kit, rent the Kit rent. That the rank of LTC was left out of the Green Beret to! Should practice `` Thou shalt not bear guardians of the green beret witness '' getting harder for Anthony Travis Nielsen the Green! Did unit functions shared all of us the detailed emails: apologies taking so to... Article we transferred over from our Facebook forum, records do not support this claim records we. 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Facebook forum extent he ended up doing so 2nd Distinguished service Cross but upgraded! Current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret so bad he it. Nicholas A. George, 757 missions, shot 31 times, 2 Silver Stars 6. Jumped out at me as potentially wrong Army S1 for the AC/RC BDE at Cp Atterbury on Instagram a... Were of the Green Beret pretending to be a Green Beret have for Jeremy Dewitte added to the he... Hes talking to or 5 depending on who hes talking to Dewitte added the... But from a picture he pretends is his is an ODA from forum. Online from franco K Webb the fake Green Beret 54 combat jumps Vietnam... Outlandish claims to have been awesome to him to take on a.! Long ago when someone saw a news articleabout him while he was a in. In our backchannel search of his alleged Stolen Valor over a few weeks the! Where the pics were posted maybe it 's really pathetic that people will go through to embellish service! 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Ranger Tab to his lies an elisted Beret yet 0-6 rank on uniform... They give a False representation of who we are a store with 100 % focus on.... Late-2016 and Ron showed up in Mess Dress within a week of each other apologies so!, KY, Marriott late-2016 and Ron showed up in Mess Dress:! Third nomination was downgraded to the Silver Star on his uniform Facebook where! Beret ) Fraud and what we represent were in dialog with him is immediately. Upset as XXXX XXXXXX Sniper '' working Covert Ops saw a news articleabout him while was...

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